About ISCI

The International Student Career Institute addresses the need to help international students find a career path that matches their inherent talent and interests to ignite success for a lifetime. Through decades of professional and educational cross-cultural experience, our team has developed an individualized and comprehensive professional development program for Chinese international students. Backed by universities and corporations, our goal is to guide students towards career success with education and through connections to our wide-ranging network.

ISCI is based in Boston and Raleigh, USA with branches in New York, California, Connecticut, and other regions. We partner with 2,000+ workplace elites across more than 15 industries to provide international students in the United States with a vast job search network.

Meet the Team


Sarah M. T. Munro

Director, Program Management


  • Sarah’s passion for international education and global engagement is deep-rooted. As a first-generation US citizen from German immigrants, she spent much of her childhood traveling back and forth to Europe. Later, as an undergraduate at Guilford College, she participated in two study abroad programs (2007 and 2008) in Munich, Germany, and acted as the undergraduate program assistant in 2008. After graduating, she pursued further opportunities to study and work abroad, ultimately attending Central European University in Budapest, Hungary for her M.A. in International Relations and European Studies.

    Sarah attended the University of Connecticut for her M.A. in Political Science and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science. While at UConn, she was also a leading organizer of the UConn@COP program, bringing students to the UN Climate summits in Paris, Marrakech, and Bonn.

    Sarah is very passionate about using her experience to help international students navigate their study abroad experiences and achieve their career aspirations, either at home or abroad.


Mia Huang

Associate Director, Marketing & Content


  • Mia is passionate about coaching and advising people who are considering a wide variety of life and career challenges, changes and/or transitions. She is experienced in helping individuals at all stages in their career journey, to identify next career steps based on a diverse set of career goals. Her coaching focuses on developing clarity around strengths and interests and developing strong communication, positioning, and strategy for achieving next career steps.


Erin Holloway

Operations Manager


  • Erin graduated summa cum laude from NC State University in May, 2015 with degrees in English: Language, Writing and Rhetoric as well as General Anthropology. In the summer of 2014, she studied abroad at the Thai Ethnographic Field School in Bangkok, which honed her field research, ethnography and cross-cultural competency skills. This experience gave her a taste of the culture shock and challenges that international students face studying abroad.

    Since 2020, Erin has returned to her Alma Mater to pursue a Supply Chain Management to support her growing role in creating a scalable infrastructure, developing a company knowledge base and intranet, as well as improving the operational back end of programming. Her eye for detail and data management has made her indispensable to organizing program data, developing an alumni database, managing program services and overseeing US-side admissions and enrollment operations.


Ello Chen

Lead Instructor


  • Ello currently works in the global investment bank as a Vice President that performs valuation, risk and advanced technological operations and connects front office, middle office and back office. Previously he also worked in Nomura and KPMG.

    In his job-hunting phases, he started very late with no internship experience at all, and struggled for a long period of hardship until he secured his first offer. However, he summarized all the successes and lessons of his job-hunting and created a consistent and efficient framework “The Job-hunting Core Methodology” that helps thousands of international students to move forward. He further confirmed the merits of his framework through learning extensively from HR, involving in the hiring processes and assisting the companies to select candidates. With over 6 years of industry experience and mentoring experience, he spares no effort on helping international students to land their dream career.

Thomas Ma



  • Thomas currently works in one of the Big 4 firms as a manager in business consulting. Over 8 years of professional experience, Thomas has worked in areas across asset management, data analysis, risk and consulting. He has experienced what most international students did or will go through: landing the first job with little experience, job relocation, working visa, transferring to a new industry, etc. With dozens of students he interviewed or helped land dream jobs, he has summarized a framework of job hunting techniques and it will definitely help you too!

Xiao Qu



  • Before coming to the USA in 2005, Xiao lived in Chengdu, SiChuan for over 20 years. She received her M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science at SiChuan University. She studied Computer Science as a Ph. D student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and completed my Ph.D in August 2010. Xiao’s research interest is Software Engineering and Software Testing.

    After graduation, she worked as a Principal Scientist in department of Software and Industrial Analytics at ABB Corporate Research in Raleigh, NC, where she led several projects in Automated Software Engineering and Data Analytics.

    Xiao is currently working at Wells Fargo as a Lead Software Engineer, responsible for Software Testing strategy, testing automation, testing metrics, and data analytics.


Clara Tao

Lead Career Counselor


  • Clara received her MBA from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (US top 15 business school) and has worked for corporations such as Coca Cola, P&G, Philips Morris, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and Givaudan Flavors.

    As a former international student herself, she’s lived in 6 states in the US (North Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Illinois and California) and 2 cities in Canada (Vancouver and Toronto). Has extensive connections in North America and rich work experience with Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneur companies

    She is Myers Brigg (MBTI) and Strong certified and has 9+ years’ working experience as career counselor.

Lindsay Veros

Career Counselor


  • Lindsay graduated from NC State University in May 2019 with her B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Theatre. She loved NC State so much, she graduated again in May, 2021 with her M.Ed. in College Counseling & Student Development! In the summer of 2017, Lindsay studied abroad in London, England where she gained international experience and knowledge of different cultures, history, and languages through travel of various locations in England, France and Italy while completing credits towards her undergraduate degree.

    Lindsay brings experience in many higher education student affairs areas such as career counseling, parents and families services, undergraduate admissions, campus visits, and orientation. As a first-generation college student, Lindsay developed a strong passion for working with college students, helping them to promote their personal and professional development, grow their potential, getting them involved with campus, helping them find their sense of belonging, supporting them through transitional stages, and more!

Elliot Case

Career Counselor


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