A custom, individualized approach to career preparation.

 ISCI’s curriculum is centered around each student. Learning experience is built on three major pillars: holistic self-understanding, dedicated one-on-one counseling, and expansive industry exploration. Student development is also guided and evaluated with our exclusive ME-TO-BE Competitiveness Framework.

We aim for the best result, yet we care deeply about your GROWTH.

Self Understanding & Development

ISCI believes any successful career starts from the individual SELF. Each student’s journey starts from a set of core courses and activities to discover their unique interests and strengths. Through the guidance of bi-cultural counselors, students investigate their family expectations, challenge their cultural biases and limitation, and eventually are empowered to embark purposeful career journey.

Personalized Support

With lower than 25:1 student/faculty ratio, each ISCI student is supported by three dedicated resources - A) Professional career counselors; B) Peer career coach; And C) experienced industry instructors and mentors. Our counselor, coach and mentor team are very familiar with the unique challenges international students are facing. Many are multi-lingual, all with ad

Career & Industry Exploration

For students who are committed to a specific academic field, we guide them to expand their horizon, and build breadth of job search by exposing them to different industries and sectors. For students already locked in their company/sector focus, we challenge them to build depth in their skills and strengthen their network. Many of our support could start even before students arrive on campus, hence really give students an early start.

 METOBE Candidacy Competitiveness Evaluation Framework

ISCI's unique METOBE Candidacy Competitiveness Evaluation Framework helps students understand their initial status, track their progress, and understand what areas they need to focus on based on their career aspirations. METOBE attributes students' job-hunting competitiveness to six key factors - two external and four internal: Market Knowledge, Opportunity Knowledge, Technical, Behavioral, Exclusive and Environmental.

External Competitiveness

Market Knowledge Factors evaluates how well students understand the operations of the target industries, companies, departments, and also the strategic, logistic as well as tactical aspects of corporate hiring.

Opportunity Knowledge Factors evaluates how well students identify and confirm eligible job opportunities via campus, social and corporate resources and infer the most important qualities from job descriptions.

Internal Competitiveness

Environmental Factors evaluates how preferable students are from the standpoint of hiring parties because of factors such as visa status, target-school status, past experience with the company, personal networks in the company and so on.

Behavioral Factors evaluates how well students fit the soft-skills part of the positions, such as time management, project management, analytical, and interpersonal skills.

Technical Factors evaluates how well students understand the hard-core parts of the positions, such as knowledge, models, algorithms, software, certificates and so on along with the underlying practical applications.

Exclusive Factors evaluates how unique and memorable students are based on their identities, personality traits, idiosyncrasies, opinions, hobbies, experience and so on, which can positively impact the hiring parties.